Free Pennsylvania Marital Separation Agreement

Common Questions about Pennsylvania Marital Separation

In Pennsylvania, legal separation is not an option. But an out-of-court marital separation agreement is allowed if the spouses mutually agree. A marriage separation agreement in Pennsylvania enables each spouse to consider their own needs and decide whether they want to continue living together. If one spouse does not desire a marriage separation, this can lead to marital problems and possibly litigation.

Do You Need a Separation Agreement To Separate Your Spouse in Pennsylvania Officially?

It's not mandatory to make your separation official in Pennsylvania. But it's a good idea to do so. An official separation allows you and your partner to sort out the terms after the breakup, such as custody, child support, division of assets and liabilities, and spousal support. Agreeing on these issues and putting them in writing makes it legally binding.

What Steps Can I Take If My Spouse Does not obey The Separation Agreement?

Pennsylvania marital separation law states that a marriage separation agreement is not legally binding. This means you can't get a court order against your spouse. But you can sue your spouse for breach of contract.

What Do You Need To Qualify for Child Support in a Marriage Separation Agreement in Pennsylvania?