Dairy Farms business type is the latest addition to the evolving list of 300+ business types available on BeSMART.ie.
Image for Reporting Workplace Accidents and Dangerous OccurrencesReporting Workplace Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences
This information sheet is for employers, employees, and the self-employed. It provides key requirements for reporting workplace accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).
Image for BeSMART.ie Available for Primary SchoolsBeSMART.ie Available for Primary Schools
Primary School business type is the latest addition to the evolving list of 300+ business types available on BeSMART.ie
This tool is excellent at what it is designed to do. It is a free and very easy to use risk assessment tool that can be used to generate a Safety Statement. The BeSMART.ie tool supports hundreds of business types and I recommend this tool to all small businesses. Stay Safe-Stay Legal
Ciaran Roche, Risk Manager, FBD