CrimeSolutions - The Evidence-Based Guide for Justice Agencies in Search of Practices and Programs that Really Work

This article originally appeared in the November/December 2021 issue of Corrections Today as submitted by the National Institute of Justice. It is reprinted with permission of the American Correctional Association, Alexandria, VA. All rights reserved.

Science supports corrections agencies and the larger criminal justice system by delivering precise, reliable processes capable of generating consistent, repeatable outcomes.

The National Institute of Justice is tasked by Congress with producing real-world benefits, through scientific innovation, for justice agencies, their stakeholders and the public.

One important way NIJ accomplishes this goal is through program evaluation. Program evaluation methods, themselves the product of rigorous science, have established not all science-based program and practice innovations are equally reliable. With the pace of scientific discovery around the world accelerating as never before, justice agencies seek assurance the particular science underlying an existing or contemplated program or practice is sound, and the program or practice, if properly implemented, can work as intended.[1]

NIJ has an established, evidence-based online resource to help justice agencies find and refine reliable solutions.

CrimeSolutions: A road map to justice system practices and programs

To help agencies know what works, what doesn’t, and what’s promising, NIJ’s CrimeSolutions has established a process for identifying and rating programs and practices that aim to: